The story begins with Abby Yates and Erin Gilbert. Abby is a paranormal researcher and spends most of his time in researching the paranorma...

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The story begins with Abby Yates and Erin Gilbert. Abby is a paranormal researcher and spends most of his time in researching the paranormal activity while Erin is a physicist whose interest also lies in the paranormal activity. Both Abby and Erin are striving hard to bring the light on the paranormal world and prove to people that ghosts do exist even today.

When they come to know about the strange and uncanny appearance of the spirits in Manhattan, Abby and Erin goes out for help to Jillian Holtzmann who is an engineer. Patty Tolan also joins hands with them as she is the one who knows everything about the beautiful New York City. Provisioned with proton packs and with their courage and enthusiasm the four women move out for an epic mission as more than thousands of vexatious ghosts come down on Times Square and these four women with abundance of attitude are on their mission of proving the existence of ghosts.


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